Stone Presbyterian Church
March 2025 Newsletter

Facebook: Stone Presbyterian Church
Office Hours: Tue.-Fri. 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.
Pastor’s Pondering
As we continue to emphasize the importance of fostering growth within our congregation and passing our faith on to the next generation, we recognize that our commitment to prayer is essential. Even if we don’t see immediate results, we trust that God is working with us, and in God’s perfect timing, our prayers will bear fruit.
It was during this prayerful time that the idea of hosting a Valentine’s Day gathering for the next generation of our community was born. I asked you all to join me in praying for this mission, and I am deeply grateful for your prayers. The event was successful! Based on the success of the initial gathering, we have decided to meet monthly to deepen our relationships in Christ.
Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 5:30 P.M. Our initial name is “Stone Thursday Community” that will be open to everyone, especially young people and families with children. We will provide food, devotion, classes, and activities that nurture both the participants and their children.
As we move forward, we hold close these guiding words of wisdom: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1). “The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps” (Proverbs 16:9).
With hearts surrendered to God’s will, we commit our plans to God, trusting that God will guide our every step. May this young family community be built upon the firm foundation of Christ, drawing us closer to God’s love and purpose.
I ask that we all continue to bless this new ministry with our prayers. Let us pray for the success of this mission and evangelism and offer our gratitude to everyone who has worked tirelessly to help build this community. I truly believe in
the power of prayer to bring about miracles and God will guide us on this beautiful and faithful journey.
“Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
From Pastor Rev. Sarah Lee

March 2025 Schedule of Events
Transfiguration of the Lord Sunday will be observed on March 2nd.
Holy Communion Sunday will take place on March 2nd during the 10:45 AM worship service.
Ash Wednesday Worship will be on March 5th at 4:30 PM.
Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 9th—remember to set your clocks ahead one hour!
First Sunday in Lent & Ordination/Installation of Elders will be on March 9th during worship.
Stone Fellowship Hour will take place on Sunday, March 9th, following worship. You may bring food to share but it’s not required.
Choir Rehearsals will be at 10:00 AM on Sundays—March 9, 16, and 23. No rehearsal on March 30th. The choir will sing in worship on March 23rd.
Handbell Choir Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays—March 12, 19, and 26, from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.
Noon Bible Study will meet on Wednesdays—March 12, 19, and 26. This month’s readings: 1 & 2 Kings.
Session Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 18th, at 1:00 PM.
Stone Thursday Community will gather on Thursday, March 13th, at 5:30 PM. : Newly formed, this group will meet once a month at church. All are welcome—young families encouraged to join!
Presbyterian Women’s Meeting will be on Thursday, March 27th, at 11:00 AM at Stone Church. We will provide soup, and the women from First Presbyterian Church will provide dessert.
Baptism & Membership: If you or your children wish to be baptized or join our church, please speak with a Session member or the pastor.
One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering: (for hunger relief, disaster response, and community development) will be collected from March 5th to April 20th, 2025. Join Presbyterians worldwide in sharing God’s love with our neighbors in need by providing disaster relief, food assistance, and support for the poor and oppressed.
Flower Sign-Up Chart: Sign-ups will now be once a month. Available dates for 2025: June 15, August 3, September 14, October 12, November 30, and December 14.
March 2025 Birthdays
March 6: Glenn Chapman
March 8: Joanne Woodward
March 14: Elsie Zehr
March 16: JoAnne Reed
March 29: Robert Schweitzer
Pastoral Care
If you or someone you know would appreciate a visit or need support, please feel free to reach out. We’re here for you, and it would be a privilege to connect with you. To arrange a visit, please contact the church office (315-788-5630) or Pastor Sarah Lee: Call/Text/Message: 315-788-8286, Email:
Website Update:
Visit to see our newly redesigned website. Subscribe with your email to receive weekly sermon, newsletter, updates, and blog posts.
Use of Church
Northern Blend Chorus meets Mondays March 3, 10, 17, & 31 from 6:45—10:45.
Sunday meeting on March 23rd will be from 12:30—3:30 pm.
Garden Club on March 6th from 6:00 - 9:30 PM.
N. Country Bird Club will meet on Wednesday, March 12th, from 7—9 pm
A Quilting Group meets on Saturday, March 8th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
The Quilt Guild meets on Saturday, March 15th, from 9:00 to 3:00 pm.
March 2025 Lectionary
March 2
Exodus 34:29-35 and Psalms 99; 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2;
Luke 9:28-36(37-43a)
March 5: Ash Wednesday
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 or Isaiah 58:1-12 and Psalms 51:1-17;
2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
March 9: 1st Sunday of Lent
Deuteronomy 26:1-11 and Psalms 91:1-2, 9-16;
Romans 10:8b-13; Luke 4:1-13
March 16
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 and Psalms 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a)
March 23
Isaiah 55:1-9 and Psalms 63:1-8;1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9
March 30
Joshua 5:9-12 and Psalms 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32